Insights and Thoughts


1 Thing, 1 Page Strategic Action Document

1 Thing, 1 Page Strategic Action Document

Need a break from over-complicated planning documents?I have created the '1 Thing' '1 page' strategy action planner, which I hope will be of value.In the first box write down the 1 thing that will move your business to the next stage. It's not a 'to do list'don't fill...

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One Page Strategic Business Plan

One Page Strategic Business Plan

Ever thought writing a 100 business plan will send you into cold shivers, try my One Page Strategic Business Plan.strategic business plan. If you have never started a business before and been put off as you have heard many people say, have you done your 100-page...

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What is a Brand?

What is a Brand?

What is a Brand? What is a Brand? Not a Logo! A brand is certainly not a logo, and don't be fooled by a graphic designer who says they are a brand expert when they just design logos and brochures, (some maybe marketing experts). Sign companies often say they will...

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Customer Advocate Egg Timer Business Model

Customer Advocate Egg Timer Business Model

Customer Advocate Egg TimerBusiness Model The Customer Advocate Egg Timeris my version of the traditionalSales Funnel.Which is the standard way of considering the sales process. For me, it says 'Hit and Miss' Fling out an idea and see if enough people are interested...

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Short Term Pain, Long Term Gain

Short Term Pain, Long Term Gain

Short Term Pain, Long Term Gain Maybe borrow less, bootstrap the early stage of your business and drive a crappier car, you will owe fewer investors and head into profit faster.You and your customers will both be better off as you will not cut corners to deliver...

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