Ever thought writing a 100 business plan will send you into cold shivers, try my One Page Strategic Business Plan.
strategic business plan.
If you have never started a business before and been put off as you have heard many people say, have you done your 100-page business plan for the Bank Manager.
I do remember that, very clearly and spent ages writing one not long after leaving the Army back in the 90’s. It was hard work, and in all honesty a complete waste of time. None of it was much use once I had presented it to the bank, and quickly became obsolete.
I am not trying to belittle a business plan as it does force you to sit down and found out if you have a clear idea of what you have in your mind.
For some / many businesses you may need financial support, in which case your potential investors will want to know their investment is reasonably safe with a clear idea they are likely to get their money back. You are very wise to spend time creating a document that is of value to you and your investor.
If you need a hand with this get in touch I am happy to get you moving in the right direction.
If you are frozen in fear of a long-winded plan and don’t require funds initially and want to get going very quickly – try using my personally developed One Page Strategic Business Plan.
I have attached my own business plan, which I created to start my coaching business. I was fortunate not to require funding and wanted to get started quickly. Much of what I do is done around the ‘1 page’ philosophy.
It is my Jargon-Free version.
If you want the clean, incompleted version complete the form below and I’ll send one to you.
Hope you get some value from it.
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